Monday, April 21, 2008

TAO sushi buffet

photo of the month
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Mushrooms come with tasted like a "fish ball" in your mouth *seriously*..damn nice! Yes, it was another "family day" with my colleagues here..yet another "Jipun dinner" at Juru Autocity..we aimed to conquer all the food here! After the last Takehana visit, we came to TAO this time. We ended up paying around rm55 per person to enjoy unlimited serving of mouth-watering sushi!! haha..The serving was fast and the waitress will be there for you to re-order and re-order!..without hanging there for more than 2 minutes, we got our new order served and my mouth was non-stop eating! It would be advisable to bring more frens here because you got the chance to taste every kind of dishes on the menu! *opps, please make your reservation before any you come here!*

Fyi, I'm currently doing CPS (Clinical Pharmacokinetics Service) in here..and my hospital is doing its "Akredidasi" by MSQH during these 3 days..."wow" :p..hopefully we got what we want and spare us the next few years of freedom from reading "fail meja" again....haha..


俊杰 Chun Keat said...

Why don't bring me go eat???

Geralvin said...

The food seem so delicious.
can' wait to have a try