Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Graduation - P104

photos of the day
Finally, on the 25 of June, 2007, I graduated as a pharmacist from the University of Strathclyde. It was a long journey since I first decided to study pharmacy after my SPM..IMU was my choice even before I started my matriculation at Taylor's college. Lots of money, efforts, and time had been spent on me just to get me to this stage..my parents always tell me:" fei zai, the degree is for your own, not for us..and that's all we can do for you"..Today, after so many sleepless nights, I can finally tell my mom and dad that I've fulfill my dream and what they expect from me..with all the appreciation, thank you ba and ma!
also, I would love to thank siauYong..for all the patience, tolerance and love she had given to me..I'm sorry for being an impatience person with very bad temper..I knew it but I just can't get better everytime..thank you for brought me up from a small kid to a big kid..without you, life's just incomplete..
*Lastly, thank you to all my friends because you've just brought me a smile everyday..*

okay okay, I know you all getting boring and don't want to read all those boring speech anymore..so, this is the show time!
we are the graduants from IMU-Strathclyde twinning programme (MPharm)..for your information, we have got more than 30 distinctions graduands from IMU this year!
leng luiz
better known as "the four flowers" in IMU..what course can be better than pharmacy?! you will be surrounded by more than 85% girls, and some of them are really pretty!! what are you waiting for? please log on to http://www.imu.edu.my/ for more info!
of course, in case you are a female, these are the boy samples that you will be meeting in IMU..although we all looks damn sissy in scottish kilt, we are very good!..haha..
By joining the twinning programme, you'll be transferred to Glasgow for the last year of your study..on your graduation day, you can wear a kilt and jump like them! I'll say it was an experience of a life time! *true scottish wear nothing in it!*
although girls can't wear kilt, you can choose to jump also..haha..look at their faces..they all looked so happy..it was so natural, and I love this photo so much..! *the feeling after graduation is a little bit different from passing an exam..you knew you won't be having anymore exam in the future (unless you want to!), you knew you'll be working very very soon..you knew you are going to earn money and maybe spending your own money..you knew you've GROWN UP..

Warning: potentially irritating photos ahead
I'll say those who graduated as pharmacist are all quite smart..for example, mr. Dylan who have got himself distinction came out with this brilliant idea and took a photo with it..cheeYang, hmmm, he looks enjoy anyway..ahhaha..
I'm not sure whether are all the distinction graduands, hmmm...are really smart or not...they might be good in study, but this is their own way to release stress..DON'T TRY IT AT HOME!haha..enjoy the rest of the day with this best-gila photo ya! we all welcome you to Scotland if you are interested in studying pharmacy!

*will be off to London on Wednesday, I'll try to upload my graduation photos before that, see ya!* log on to acrix.blogspot.com for more photos of the graduation!


Anonymous said...

OH MY GOD WEI!!! *washes eyes with acid*

Pepperpourri said...

Congratulations to all P104 on graduating! Hehe, the Scottish kilts are so cool! Definitely a once-in-a-life-time experience eh!

Shabbeer Ahmed said...

i visited your site n was good enough then othere site that i visited last month

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